Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Breakup Party

 Our fearless leaders getting into the spirit of Christmas,  peace and love to all!
 A new member of the family, will post a special post on her soon.
 Some of the people enjoying themselves and getting to know others from other classes.
 Yummy food to share, not a good time of year to diet.
Getting ready for the lucky door prize draw, there were many prizes and everyone who won one got really excited.
We also had the yearly show and tell where anyone who wanted to show what they had worked on could bring it along and we would all have a look at it. This is a great way to decide what you would like to work on in the new year.
Over the next few days, weeks, I will post photos of that work. I hope you all enjoy them as much as we did.
Thanks ladies for a great party and for a wonderful productive year.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you ladies for all your work putting such a friendly and fun celebration.
    (the non-quilter!) :)
